Longer daylight hours after school are almost here! This is a reminder that Daylight Saving Time begins at 2 a.m. Sunday, March 9. Be sure to set your clocks ahead 1 hour.
about 7 hours ago, Tracy Sahler
Reminder about the start of Daylight Saving Time on March 9
One of the major expenses for any county government in Maryland is its allocation to the local school system. In Wicomico County, this allocation to support public education had historically been more than 40% of the total county budget. However, over the past 15 years, this funding level for education has dropped from more than 40% to about 25%. This is despite the county having record levels of revenue eight of the past 10 years. The time is now for students, parents and guardians, staff and community to unite and advocate for better funding for education from Wicomico County for Wicomico Schools. Please help ensure that our students receive the local funding they deserve in next year’s county budget. #DoBetterWicomico Next opportunity to speak out to support education in Wicomico County: Wicomico County Executive Budget Hearing Monday, March 10 at 6 p.m. DaNang Room, Wicomico Youth & Civic Center
about 9 hours ago, Tracy Sahler
A graph showing  the WCBOE operating budget as a percentage of the overall county budget
Here’s more from Day 3 of Read Across America Spirit Week! THANK YOU to all our volunteers! 💙🐼
1 day ago, Jordan Alexander
Spirit Week
Spirit Week
Spirit Week
Spirit Week
Spirit Week
Spirit Week
📚Here’s more from Day 3 of Read Across America Spirit Week! Check out some of the amazing book character costumes from our staff and students🐼
1 day ago, Jordan Alexander
Spirit Week
Spirit Week
Spirit Week
Spirit Week
Spirit Week
Spirit Week
Spirit Week
Spirit Week
Spirit Week
📚Pete the Cat stopped by Y3 and Pre-K today to hand out books! Big thanks to Melissa Eiler for helping make this moment extra special during Read Across America Spirit Week!
1 day ago, Jordan Alexander
Pete the Cat
Pete the Cat
Pete the Cat
Pete the Cat
Pete the Cat
Pete the Cat
Pete the Cat
Pete the Cat
Pete the Cat
Pete the Cat
Pemberton Elementary was filled with storybook magic today as students and staff dressed up as their favorite book characters for Day 3 of Read Across America Spirit Week! A huge THANK YOU to our amazing volunteers who joined us to read Dr. Seuss classics
1 day ago, Jordan Alexander
Read Across America
Read Across America
Read Across America
Read Across America
Read Across America
Read Across America
Read Across America
Read Across America
Read Across America
Read Across America
For parents with children 0-4 years that live in the Pemberton area, we invite you to join us for Zumbini! Zumbini combines music, dance and educational tools for 45-minutes of can't-stop, won't-stop bonding 🥁 We have partnered with The Judy Center & The Holistic Hive to bring this amazing opportunity, and we can't wait for you to join us! Our first date is Wednesday, March 12th at 10:00am. Register here: https://forms.gle/1oefiKYntjCcpqic9
1 day ago, Jordan Alexander
Music and Movement
Music and Movement
Music and Movement
This is an important school status alertfrom Wicomico County Public Schools: Due to potential inclement weather, Wicomico County Public Schools has cancelled all after-school and evening activities for Wednesday, March 5th. Please note this includes the Parkside High girls playoff basketball game and the school system’s Awards & Recognitions Night, both of which will be rescheduled. Please be safe. Thank you.
1 day ago, Tracy Sahler
March 5, all after-school and evening activities canceled
Over the past 15 years, Wicomico County Public Schools has consistently lagged behind other Maryland school systems in the per pupil funding provided by our county government. As of this year, Wicomico has unfortunately reached the bottom, ranking 24th out of 24 school districts in Maryland in local per pupil funding for education. During the budget development process for the school system and the county, we call on our students, parents and guardians, staff and community to unite and advocate for better funding for education from Wicomico County. Please help ensure that our students receive the local funding they deserve in next year’s county budget. #DoBetterWicomico Next opportunity to speak out to support education in Wicomico County: Wicomico County Executive Budget Hearing Monday, March 10 at 6 p.m. DaNang Room, Wicomico Youth & Civic Center
1 day ago, Tracy Sahler
Graphic showing county per pupil funding for school systems across Maryland, with Wicomico lowest in funding
It’s that time again—join us for Round 3 of high-fives, fist bumps, and smiles at Pemberton Elementary! We can’t wait to kick off the morning with our amazing WATCH D.O.G.S. crew. When: Monday, March 10th | 8:15–8:45 AM Let’s make it another unforgettable day for our students!🐼💙 Use this link to register: https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fforms.gle%2Fq2MFWSxiyuJHsV316&data=05%7C02%7Cjalexande%40mywcps.org%7Cf7d4c01f82904840b80a08dd5a7672d2%7C6e8a4bb0fd1b4436bc2c31e9272cab43%7C1%7C0%7C638766187369543461%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=F6iGe54YtV6sz3bXGlCcaly%2FElJRLRZmSri8vwr4VMI%3D&reserved=0
3 days ago, Jordan Alexander
Watch Dogs
Watch Dogs
Watch Dogs
Check out our March breakfast and lunch menus 🐼☘
3 days ago, Jordan Alexander
Lunch Menu
Breakfast Menu
This Week at Pemberton 🐼
3 days ago, Jordan Alexander
This Week at Pemberton
Our students showed off their skills, teamwork, and school spirit at Thursday’s basketball game. We’re so proud of their hard work and determination—both on and off the court! 🏀🐼
3 days ago, Jordan Alexander
For Random Acts of Kindness Week, Pemberton students and staff came together to support the Wicomico County Humane Society by donating 260 items and $50! A huge shoutout to our top contributors: Parker Brewington, Savannah Gleason, Hunter Hicks and Journey Lipscomb. These students proudly delivered the donations on behalf of our school. Congratulations to Ms. Setzer's Pre-K class for winning the class incentive and to Hunter Hicks for earning the individual prize. Thank you all for your kindness and generosity 💙!
3 days ago, Jordan Alexander
Kindness Week
Kindness Week
Kindness Week
Kindness Week
Kindness Week
Kindness Week
Kindness Week
Kindness Week
Letter days for elementary students (including those at Pittsville Elementary and Middle) are posted each week of classes during the school year. The schedule of letter days can be found on school web pages in Live Feed, on the school system's main website in Live Feed and the home page gallery, and on social media. The letter days schedule is provided in English, Spanish and Haitian Creole.
6 days ago, Tracy Sahler
Elementary letter days
Elementary letter days in Spanish
Elementary letter days in Haitian Creole
Kindergarten students had a special morning with their 'buddies' at our Breakfast with my Buddy event! Thanks to the Judy Center, families enjoyed breakfast together, along with fun games to play and take home to promote family bonding. Thank you to all who came! 💙
6 days ago, Jordan Alexander
Breakfast Buddy
Breakfast Buddy
Breakfast Buddy
Breakfast Buddy
Breakfast Buddy
Breakfast Buddy
Breakfast Buddy
Breakfast Buddy
Breakfast Buddy
Breakfast Buddy
The current, updated 2024-2025 school year calendar is now available on our website. On Tuesday the Maryland State Board of Education approved Wicomico’s waiver request for Monday, June 16. This was the final piece of Wicomico County Public Schools' plan for making up six days missed due to winter weather. Wicomico now has the OK to end the school year on Friday, June 13 for students, teachers, instructional assistants and nurses. The earlier version of the calendar that showed school on Monday, June 16 should now be discarded. While this updated calendar still needs approval from the Wicomico County Board of Education at its March 11th meeting, the calendar is available now for reference and planning purposes. (Following the Board’s vote, only the approval note at the bottom right corner of the calendar would change.) To see this year’s current school calendar, go to www.wicomicoschools.org and click on Calendar at top right, or go directly to the Calendar page: https://www.wicomicoschools.org/o/wcps/page/calendars
8 days ago, Tracy Sahler
Latest 2024-2025 Calendar
Latest 2024-2025 Calendar in Spanish
Latest 2024-2025 Calendar in Haitian Creole
This Week at Pemberton 💙🐼
10 days ago, Jordan Alexander
This Week at Pemberton
Letter days for elementary students (including those at Pittsville Elementary and Middle) are posted each week of classes during the school year. The schedule of letter days can be found on school web pages in Live Feed, on the school system's main website in Live Feed and the home page gallery, and on social media. The letter days schedule is provided in English, Spanish and Haitian Creole.
13 days ago, Tracy Sahler
Elementary letter days
Elementary letter days in Spanish
Elementary letter days in Haitian Creole
📚 Get ready Pemberton Pandas!📚 Read Across America Spirit Week is just ONE Week away! Get excited for a fun filled week of dress-up days inspired by your favorite Dr. Seuss books.
13 days ago, Jordan Alexander
Read Across America Spirit